Guantanamera is a 1995 comedy film from Cuba, directed by Tomás Gutiérrez Alea and Juan Carlos Tabío, featuring an ensemble cast. Screenplay by Eliseo Alberto and others.
When Aunt Yoyita dies during a visit to Gina in Guantánamo, Gina, along with Yoyita's childhood sweetheart, the aging Cándido, must take the body to Havana. To their annoyance, Gina's overbearing husband Adolfo, a punctilious undertaker with political ambitions, takes charge of the journey, including several transfers along the way between hearses.
On the road, they keep crossing paths with Mariano, a playboy trucker with a woman at every way station. He and Gina recognize each other: he was her student and wrote her of how much he loved her, then dropped out of school in embarrassment. Before they reach Havana, Gina realizes she can choose between Adolfo and Mariano.
The film is named after the song Guantanamera ("girl from Guantánamo") - perhaps the best known Cuban song and that country's most noted patriotic song.
It was Gutiérrez' last film.